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From "the most populous village in Japan" to "the most autonomous village in Japan.
A place where everyone can interact with each other

Children's bookshelf and Wooden children's table

The new book display frame near the entrance is used to display books and to display posters for events.

Large bookcase for picture books/round table & stool

A space where parents and children can take off their shoes and read aloud books

Display Shelf LZA

The top two shelves are inclined shelves.

Newspaper cabinet

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Delivered date: 2016
Deliverd items: Book Shelving LSA, Magazine Rack, Newspaper Rack, Book Post
Number of storage books/ Open Area 60,000 books, Closed Area 40,000 books
Address/ Bigroof Takizawa 1F, 1-15 Shimoukai, Takizawa City, Iwate 
URL: http://www.city.takizawa.iwate.jp/kozan